House Mantova

Andrea Frapolli

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House Mantova

Prosito Lodrino, Switzerland

House Mantova stands on two adjoining grounds (4125 and 5112) owned already by the client's family in the core area of ​​Prosito. An ancient building and a stable stood on the parcels, the first dating back to the mid-1400s, divided in half between the two parcels, already partially altered during the 1970s; the second dating back to the early 1900s, practically unaltered.

The awareness, strongly shared with the client, that these rural pre-existences had undoubted spatial and identity qualities immediately became the main idea of ​​the project.
Instead of predicting their demolition, it was decided to transform and extend existing buildings in order to transform them into a single-family home.

The new building therefore results from the rethinking and aggregation of two existing buildings with the addition of a new volume that proposes proportions and dimensions similar to the existing stables.
In the central body, on the ground floor of the ancient building, there is the entrance and the kitchen (central core of the whole house) in spatial and visual relationship with the living room above.
Two double heights suggest the totality of this volume.

In the adjoining body resulting from the transformation of the stable, connected by a passage to the intermediate floor, there are the rooms and the vertical circulation of the house.
The latter distributes the upper floor and then to the children's bedrooms and the living room and lower floor where the wellness area and study are located.

The "sliding" towards the central body of the second stable located further downstream, creates an external courtyard from which the study, the wellness area and the master bedroom take advantage. This space acts as a filter towards the neighboring buildings and guarantees greater privacy to these spaces by acting as a mineral "backdrop".

The new building, adjacent but upstream of the central one, creates the connection between the road (garage level) and the main level and becomes its access and covered outdoor space. It also houses the technical spaces, the laundry room and the cellar.


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